
Sunday, 2 October 2016

Alas it is fall,

Did you ever imagine? I didn't, but I live in a dreamworld, what's your excuse? Regardless we are now to be besieged by angry red leaves that refuse to attend their former placements for a moment longer, they will now make a mad dash to the ground as we sip our cinnamon lattes thoughtfully and consider how we will once again pick a terrible last minute costume for an event we knew was going to happen all year. If this is not what you are thinking then I highly recommend thinking it because the alternative, (apocalypse nowish?) is just too unpleasant. Nay, I say, drink your mulled wine and coffee spiked with spiced rum (or chai for you tee-totalers out there) and imagine how you wish things to be, then get off your cute, little, cinnamon butt and go for it. After all if the ol' hourglass has been severely shaken we may as well make the best of the weird and wacky sand we have left, hey?

In keeping with that, here is my new obsession (not really that new, I've been obsessed with scores since I was a wee little peanut as you can see from my former blog on scoring, (I really need to get a handle on my use of parenthesis) I am absolutely desperate about it) hopefully it will motivate you to do something you have always longed to. Take your fears and put them asunder before your vessel lands down under! I mean, that was terrible but whatever, just do it! 

Have a desperately brilliant week!

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