
Sunday, 24 November 2019

Left Side, Strong Side,Tarot Terrific and Other Unmentionables...

It has long been the belief that the left hand is evil or bad,eg. sinistra, gauche, left-handed compliment, sitting on the left side of God. This as I am learning (courtesy of Stanley Coren ) has more to do with long held prejudices as old as the bible than any sort of legitimate common sense. As a lefty myself I can tell you I do not ascribe to the notion that I am evil or uncouth in any way. I have walked many a dining halls with soup in my hand and nary a drop was spilt. (yes spilt is a word auto-correct, it's archaic but it exists okay!) However given my somewhat strict Christian upbringing one can thank (insert whichever deity you praise here) that my tender right-brained mind did not internalize this absolutely distressing and erroneous rhetoric. I'm also incredibly grateful that my parents didn't take the distressing and erroneous rhetoric to heart and train or smack the left-handedness out of me, that would have sucked. And most especially (yes I started a sentence with 'and' I tried not to) it would distress me because then I never would have started learning Tarot, not to say that Tarot and Left-handedness have any correlation but sometimes you just gotta lean into stereotypes. With that in mind, here we are at the Tarot/Oracle blog post. I know what you're thinking, actually I don't, but you should be thinking how cool Tarot is and how excited you are to hear about this interesting and somewhat bizarre little tradition. There's a lot more to it than I imagined as well, which I learned when I completed a 10 week long course on the subject. So let's start at the top.

There are 78 cards. 7-freaking-8 can you imagine. What the hell could the people upstairs have to say in 78 cards. I mean they seem so incommunicative most of the time that I honestly thought they could handle it in about 10 to 15 tops. Anyway, no, these motherfuckers  absolute angels, have shit to say and they want to say it for 78 freaking cards. It's split into two decks ostensibly, the Major Arcana, comprised of 22 cards and the Minor Arcana comprised of 56 cards. Originally it was the Major Arcana that mattered (so you see I was close) later on the Minor Arcana became a thing (as if the Major Arcana wasn't scary enough on it's own). well 78 cards later it became a well known deck based on the Rider-Waite creation. Rider and Waite were two different people who came together to form the now universally known and acknowledged tarot deck.

Okay, let's wrap this up,  there are 4 suits inn the Minor Arcana- Cups, Wands, Swords, Pentacles, so Water, Fire, Air, Earth respectively or if you will Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall. Now stay with me here, Cups-Emotions, Wands-Energy/Manifestation, Swords-Thoughts, Pentacles-Career, Money, Earthbound necessities anyway all these cards can have specific or particular meanings alone or  when paired with other cards. There are courses offered in your local Metaphysical stores that can go in-depth on this or you can follow Rachel True (of The Craft fame) on insta, amusingly enough she teaches tarot reading.

Anyhow I've been at this since the Spring (Wands for those of you paying attention) and it's definitely made my life more interesting. Youtube is full of tarot readers/twin flame readers, witches, kitchen witch spell tips and all sorts of interesting stuff to make your heart a comfy winter home. You can always start with a singing bowl and an Oracle deck, which is a kinder, gentler more loving version of tarot with about two thirds the amount of cards and a softer touch that won't leave you rocking back and forth in a corner afterwards.

To be honest though, even more than that I suggest a Himalayan salt lamp, they're all soft lighting and pretty and they have a crazy amount of benefits including: cleansing and deodorizing, balancing electro-magnetic radiation, calming allergies and reducing asthma, enhancing mood, boosting blood flow and alleviating coughing and other symptoms from the common cold!! The COMMON COLD!!!!!! I know right?!

Anyway human's, I hope you found this helpful or informative or something because if you didn't, it's too bad you read the whole thing anyway. Better luck next time! Happy November guys (*crickets chirping*).