
Monday, 4 March 2019

SOCAN, Stones and Untrustworthy Drones

It can be hard to feel like you're making progress in today's incredibly uncertain emotional and financial climate. Things seem to have a way of spiralling out of control to the point where you wonder if the spiralling ever stopped. Mercury really seems like it's been in Retrograde for about 3 years now so I'm trying to find hope in the little things. Just the other day I received my first check from SOCAN and another person bought my album Doo-Wop Days The EP. So although things seem like they could not possibly be moving any slower, they are at least moving (if even in an infinitesimal way).

Two things I've learned to lean on in times like these are the library and stones. When as a teenager I hit my first (and worst) bout of depression I would (amongst other aides including therapy and medication) plop myself down on the library floor in the Self-Help section and fill my void with Robin Norwood, Iyanla Vanzant, M Scott Peck and Neale Donald Walsh.

These writers helped me immeasurably, they first let me know I was not alone and secondly they let me know why it was happening and what I could do about it. These are 3 of the most useful ways to support someone going through depression or anxiety and these are 3 of the most useful ways to support yourself.

The other trick (which is really less of a trick and more like a little bit of magic on earth) I learned was the value of gemstones. I'm a Taurus, we are the first Earth Sign in the zodiac and Venus is our ruling planet and goddess so Rose Quartz was kind of a no-brainer. I also developed an early appreciation for Hematite, what I love most about it is that it does not pick up other people's negative energy. It is particularly adept at keeping energy suckers and untrustworthy drones away due to its ability to protect and thwart dark energy and negativity, likewise it is one of the only stones that doesn't need to be cleansed when it passes hands. It's also a very grounding stone so sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming or dizzying for Taureans who are already fairly grounded already.

Those two are quite often my go-to stones but there are so many wonderful stones out there with so many wonderful attributes that it's worth it to head out and find the rock store in your city and have a look. I'm headed off to my stone store today since there's unfortunately been a few energy sucking people lurking in my life that could use a good banishing.

May your first week of March be ever in your favour! (are we still using that expression? Probably not) Well I bid you adieu with it anyhow! ❤️

P. S Here's a few pictures of me with an extraordinary Pyrite skull and some Tektite

Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Dumbest Timeline

There are several working theories on the incredibly dumb timeline/ parallel universe we seem to have haphazardly slipped into. Some involve ripping a whole in the universe. Some involve Trump "winning" the 2016 election (highly possible) or the Cubs winning the World Series.  Even more disturbingly some venture into the Idiocracy territory and question humanity's overall intelligence from the get-go (can't argue with that). I myself, haven't the foggiest idea but I know this timeline is dumb as hell and/or possibly is hell or purgatory or something similar.

How does one deal with such things you ask? If I knew the answer to that then capitalism would at long last be my friend. No dear ones, I have no clue. So I've just been trying to keep my agitated head down and focus on music. My first offering in this vein was released on Valentine's Day of last year. It is called Doo-Wop Days, it is an EP and it is as happy as it is short. So if by chance you are losing your ever-loving (now hating) mind then give it a listen. 

I also wrangled up a fancy, schmancy website for your perusal. Okay it's not that fancy, but it's kinda schmancy and kitschy and cute and I like it so get off my back okay? I wish you the dearest of starts to your March and hope for a swift exit from this seemingly incessant long, dark tea-time of the soul for us all.

P. S I'm tea-totaling this month so all this liquor in the background is just wishful thinking, frankly.